Mixing ratio: x [g/kg]
Mixing ratio x means the amount of water in grams, which is contained in one kilogram of air. In the tables and h-x diagram, therefore, the absolute humidity x is given in [g/kg].
Mixing ratio: x [g/kg]
Mixing ratio x means the amount of water in grams, which is contained in one kilogram of air. In the tables and h-x diagram, therefore, the absolute humidity x is given in [g/kg].
Tdb = | 7.50 °C |
RH = | 82.80 % |
Twb = | 6.16 °C |
Tdp = | 4.76 °C |
p = | 965.50 hPa |
x = | 5.58 g/kg |
h = | 21.58 kJ/kg |
ρ = | 1.19 kg/m3 |
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